
Mefisto...diabeł czy anioł?


Allman Timothy D Ballymacelligott Tralee (066) 7137007 Kerry

Bachem Evi Caragh Lake Killorglin (066) 9769234 Kerry

Bríd Mor Auctioneers Wave Crest Caherdiel (066) 9475483 Kerry

Burns Jim & Co Ltd M.I.P.A.V. Killorglin Co Kerry (066) 9761458 Kerry email to jimburns@eircom.net

Crowley Tadhg Michael Collins Pl, Killarney (064) 31430 Kerry

Celtic Properties Unit 2 Gn le, Tralee (066) 7123680 Kerry

Connor-Scarteen Michael M.I.P.A.V. 5 Main st, Kenmare (064) 41263 Kerry

Cahill John J & Sons Killarney rd, Kenmare (064) 41327 Kerry

Coyne & Culloty IAVI Real Estate Allice 2 Main st, Killarney (064) 31274 Kerry

David F Rae Boolteens Castlemaine (066) 9767340 Kerry

Daly Se & Co Ltd 34 Henry st, Kenmare (064) 41213 Kerry

Emir Irwin Auctioneers Ballydowney Killarney (064) 32532 Kerry email to info@ei-auctioneers.com

Europe Estate Agents M.I.P.A.V. 17 , The Mall Tralee (066) 7123144 Kerry

Emerald Properties 11 High st, Tralee (066) 7186728 Kerry

ERA - Munster Lynch Padraig & Co Ltd (066) 9151521 Kerry

ERA - Munster Horg Properties (068) 24793 Kerry

Fitzgerald & O'Connor Ltd New st, Cahirciveen (066) 9472353 Kerry email to maurice@kerryproperty.com

Falvey J M.I.P.A.V. Glenbeigh (066) 9768238 Kerry

Giles Wm H & Co IAVI MIREF 23 Denny st, Tralee (066) 7121073 Kerry email to whgiles@eircom.net

Hennig Billy Auctioneers 66 New st, Killarney (064) 34449 Kerry

Hnon Dl & Sons M.I.P.A.V 26 Church st, Listowel (068) 24790 Kerry email to hprop@iol.ie

Horg Properties 5 , The Square Listowel (068) 24793 Kerry email to mary@horgproperties.com

Buckley John 57-58 High st, Killarney (064) 31666 Kerry

Kerry Property Services Auctioneers Lakelds Hse , Main st Waterville (066) 9474228 Kerry

Kerry Estate Agents 15 Ashe st, Tralee (066) 7119500 Kerry

Key Properties Henry st, Kenmare (064) 42991 Kerry

Lucid Auctioneers Rock st, Tralee (066) 7125559 Kerry

Lynch Padraig & Co Ltd NIBA Strd st, Dingle (066) 9151521 Kerry

Moore John P Green st, Dingle (066) 9151588 Kerry

McCormick Properties Sdhill rd, Ballybunion (068) 25888 Kerry

Mary O'Donoghue 3 West Main st, Cahirciveen (066) 9472110 Kerry

Ml D Lynch Coologues Kilgarv (064) 85332 Kerry

Moriarty Auctioneers & Fincial Services 55 , Moyderwell Cross Tralee (066) 7120211 Kerry email to info@mafsTralee.com

North James H & Co 33 Denny st, Tralee (066) 7122699 Kerry

O'Sullivan John A 25 O'Sullivs pl, Killarney (064) 31266 Kerry

O'Keeffe John Ballygrenn Listowel (068) 21478 Kerry

O'Connor John (Diony) Upr Green st, Dingle (066) 9151655 Kerry

O'Connor John J 23 Castle st, Tralee (066) 7121570 Kerry

O'Carroll Tom Valentia rd, Caherciveen (066) 9472543 Kerry

O'Donoghue Auctioneers & Valuers Market st, Killorglin (066) 9761195 Kerry

O'Shea's 6 High st, Tralee (066) 7181222 Kerry email to michaeloshea@eircom.net

O'Connor Ted Insurces Green st, Dingle (066) 9151533 Kerry email to conprop@iol.ie

O'Shea Gerry 15 Edward st, Tralee (066) 7125182 Kerry

O'Regan Jerry M.B.A., B.Comm., HDE Foxfort Hse, , Racecourse Rd Tralee (066) 7126879 Kerry

O'Sulliv Se Leo M.I.P.A.V. 16 Plunkett st, Killarney (064) 33207 Kerry

O'Leary Bri 21 High st, Killarney (064) 35733 Kerry

O'Sulliv Timothy & Son MIAVI The Square Kenmare (064) 41266 Kerry

O'Donnell Seamus Knockglassmore Camp Tralee (066) 7130366 Kerry

O'Regan Jerry M.B.A., B.Comm., HDE Main st, Ballyheigue (066) 7133190 Kerry

Property Partners Galliv M.I.A.V.I. College sq, Killarney (064) 34177 Kerry email to info@gallivireld.com

Property Partners Kerry Finuce (066) 7127644 Kerry

Pierse & Fitzgibbon Market st, Listowel (068) 50937 Kerry

Property Shop The 16 Main st, Cahirciveen (066) 9473016 Kerry

Re/Max Coastal Properties 26 Henry st, Kenmare (064) 42101 Kerry

Remax Associates 20 Denny st, Tralee (066) 7122733 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald Coghl 95 New st, Killarney (064) 31892 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald O'Connell Killarney Co Kerry (064) 31892 Kerry

Spille Tom & Co Ltd M.I.P.A.V. 5 Kenmare pl, Killarney (064) 33066 Kerry email to tspille@eircom.net

Stuart Thomas & Co 121 Main st, Castleisld (066) 7141688 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald O'Connell Tralee Co Kerry (066) 7180822 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald O'Connell Ltd 28 Denny st, Tralee (066) 7180822 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald O'Connell Dingle Co Kerry (066) 9152655 Kerry email to enquiries@thepropertyshop.ie

Sugrue Pauline Kenneigh Cahirciveen (066) 9474310 Kerry

Stephen Clifford Upr Bridge st, Killorglin (066) 9761135 Kerry

Sheah Patk F The Square Killorglin (066) 9761206 Kerry

Sherry Fitzgerald O'Connell Listowel Co Kerry (068) 21739 Kerry

Walsh O'Sullivan 36 Lr Castle st, Tralee (066) 7122355 Kerry
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