
Mefisto...diabeł czy anioł?

Polish version available here | Polska wersja dostępna tutaj
English version is out-of-date. Current version available only in Polish
General rules:
    1. Using this Forum is free.
    2. Forum enables collectors to be in contact with other collectors and to make exchanges, but the owner of this Forum does not bear the responsibility if a party of an exchange does not discharge of a promise.
    3. Every statement and photo contained on this Forum is a creation of the mind, which is the subject to a legal protection, according to Copyright and Related Rights Act.
    4. When registering to the Forum, user agrees to write all his information and personal details to database. The data will not be transferred to anybody without the user’s agreement.

    1. Forum Administration (Administrators and Moderators) has rights to modify, move, block and delete posts breaking the rules.
    2. Administration makes every effort to run the Forum correctly, but it does not bear the responsibility for the contents published by users.

    1. You can registry to the Forum, if you are at least 13 years old. This point is not retroactive.
    2. Information given while registering has to be true.
    3. Owning of two accounts is forbidden.
    4. In a field “Kind of collection” please write what you collect. Writing “various”, “many things” etc. is forbidden. If you do not collect anything, please write “none”.

Using the Forum:
    1. Statements on the Forum cannot:
     break the law
     be vulgar or offensive
     propagate racism, violence or pornography
     include false information in order to unfavorably dispose a property of the other people.
    2. Every user of the Forum is obliged to take care of a language correctness.
    3. Please put topics in the right sections.
    4. Setting up cumulative topics (with the objects which are the separate sections for) and putting them in the “Other” section is forbidden.
    5. Putting the sale and purchase offers, especially advertisements of the auctions and commercial websites, is strictly forbidden.
    6. Photos contained on the Forum should be clear and properly cropped. Maximal weight of the photo added as an attachment is 256 kB.
    7. The resolution of the photos from external sources added by IMG tag cannot be larger than 640x480.
    8. Red color is reserved only for Administration of the Forum.
    9. Maximal height of the caption is 4 textlines of a common font. It is possible to add a photo with a maximal size 19x350.
    10. In the “Exchange” category, putting non-constructive posts and overusing the emoticons are forbidden.

    1. User can get a warning for disregarding the rules and Administration comments.
    2. A degree of the punishment is set individually.
    3. After getting 3 warnings user may not write on the Forum.
    4. Warnings can be canceled after one month of irreproachable behavior.
    5. Getting 6 warnings is equal to removing a user from the Forum.

Final rules:
    1. Issues not taken into account in this regulations will be considered individually by Administrators.
    2. Forum rules can be modified. Users will be informed about possible changes on the Forum.

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • katkaras.opx.pl
  • Drogi uzytkowniku!

    W trosce o komfort korzystania z naszego serwisu chcemy dostarczac Ci coraz lepsze uslugi. By moc to robic prosimy, abys wyrazil zgode na dopasowanie tresci marketingowych do Twoich zachowan w serwisie. Zgoda ta pozwoli nam czesciowo finansowac rozwoj swiadczonych uslug.

    Pamietaj, ze dbamy o Twoja prywatnosc. Nie zwiekszamy zakresu naszych uprawnien bez Twojej zgody. Zadbamy rowniez o bezpieczenstwo Twoich danych. Wyrazona zgode mozesz cofnac w kazdej chwili.

     Tak, zgadzam sie na nadanie mi "cookie" i korzystanie z danych przez Administratora Serwisu i jego partnerow w celu dopasowania tresci do moich potrzeb. Przeczytalem(am) Polityke prywatnosci. Rozumiem ja i akceptuje.

     Tak, zgadzam sie na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Administratora Serwisu i jego partnerow w celu personalizowania wyswietlanych mi reklam i dostosowania do mnie prezentowanych tresci marketingowych. Przeczytalem(am) Polityke prywatnosci. Rozumiem ja i akceptuje.

    Wyrazenie powyzszych zgod jest dobrowolne i mozesz je w dowolnym momencie wycofac poprzez opcje: "Twoje zgody", dostepnej w prawym, dolnym rogu strony lub poprzez usuniecie "cookies" w swojej przegladarce dla powyzej strony, z tym, ze wycofanie zgody nie bedzie mialo wplywu na zgodnosc z prawem przetwarzania na podstawie zgody, przed jej wycofaniem.