
Mefisto...diabeł czy anioł?

Also was held Unique, sole in BELARUS Open Air Metal Fest METAL CROWD 2005. It was 15 best groups of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova and Poland, and 12 kWt of the professional sound equipment open-air. The organizing committee of a festival was unanimous in opinions, that the festival was held very successfully. And on this the decision that Open Air Metal Fest METAL CROWD to pass annually all to the same address will be accepted, namely all groups and fans, amateurs of heavy music can be going to in JULY, in city RECHITSA.
In a network, on many sites already begin to occur photos and materials from a festival METAL CROWD 2005, in particular on www.metlscript.net, www.metallection.com, www.krupnikov.info and as on official sites of groups of the participants METAL CROWD 2005.
Shortly on our site www.apocryphal.boom.ru, the large section of a festival will appear, where there will be a lot of information of this year, reporting, interview, and as huge quantity of photos. Plus in this section of group wishing to take part in the next year on METAL CROWD 2006 can will familiarize with conditions of participation on METAL CROWD 2006.
In this connection the organizing committee since September 1, 2005, officially will begin selection of groups for participation in the international festival of extreme music Open Air Metal Fest METAL CROWD 2006. All necessary information on participation, conditions of application and form of the application is on www.apocryphal.boom.ru (In section contact)
We hope for more active mobility of the representatives of groups, and we shall be glad, if your collective will present your country on Open Air Metal Fest METAL CROWD 2006.
The organizing committee of a festival is interested in information and sponsor's support. With all offers to address E-mail:apocryphal@tut.by Tel: + 375 29 657 96 58
Yours faithfully Egor, APOCRYPHAL Group and METAL CROWD Festival
tel:+375 29 657 96 58
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