
Mefisto...diabeł czy anioł?

Cracow tournament, 11-12 December 2004

Cracow Gomoku, Renju & Pente Club has pleasure to announce, that on 11th and 12th of December the third Open Gomoku, Renju and Pente Tournament under the auspices of Polish Association of Gomoku, Renju and Pente will take place. The tournament wiil be held in a beautiful, climatic cellar on the Józefa street, on old Kazimierz (photo cameras are necessary ).

Planned tournament timetable:
11th December
from 9:00 signing up
10:00 - start of the gomoku tournament (10 rounds, 15 minutes per player)
17:30 - start of the pente tournament (7 rounds, 10 minutes per player)
12th December
10:00 - start of the renju tournament (9 rounds, 20 minutes per player)

Depending on the number of players, the above numbers are subject to change.

The signing up fee for every game is:

For every gae you sign up, you will receive a coupon worth 7PLN to be used in the restaurant above the playing hall (the prices are moderate eg. portion of pancakes - 5PLN)! In other words for the signing fee you play, eat and drink!

Planned prizes pool - 1000PLN !!!
In each game prizes are equal and will be given to holders of the first five places:
1st place - 120PLN
2nd place - 80PLN
3rd place - 60PLN
4th place - 20PLN
5th place - 30PLN

Accomodation is planned in student's house on Bydgoska street - about 45 minutes walk from place of the tournament, very pleasant walk across the whole Old City. If someone would prefer not to walk, you can get there by tram - about 15-20 minutes drive. Sleepover in 7-people room costs 22PLN per person. This is the cheapest accomodation in this part of Cracow. If one would like other accomodation, eg. 2-people room, please mark it in your application (price of the 2-people room is about 35PLN per person). If there will be many applications, we will further negotiate prices.

On Saturday after the tournament, for interested people, we plan 'starting up' a keg of beer . Time of getting from the playing hall to the beer keg - about 10 seconds.

We ask very kindly for quick applications, for it will allow us to evaluate the number of participants, help in acoomodation booking, setting up the playing hall and many more organizational affairs.

Playing hall is located about 7 minutes tram drive away from the Railway Station or 20 minutes walk.
Detailes maps will be shown soon.

Everyone is invited in magic Cracow!!
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • katkaras.opx.pl
  • Drogi uzytkowniku!

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