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Na pocz±tek dla znawców czarów z u¿yciem VAG proszê o info odno¶nie
VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 6L0 820 043 A
Component and/or Version: CLIMAtronic PQ24 0201
Software Coding: 0000000
Work Shop Code: WSC 00000
2 Faults Found:
01272 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
000 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
01274 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
000 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!

VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 036 906 034 ET
Component and/or Version: MARELLI 4MV 4966
Software Coding: 00071
Work Shop Code: WSC 30011
Additional Info: TMBJC26Y943970342 SKZ7Z0C2184114
1 Fault Found:
16825 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
P0441 - 35-10 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded! - Intermittent

VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N

Control Module Part Number: 6Y0 820 045
Component and/or Version: Klimaanlage X0830
Software Coding:
Work Shop Code:
2 Faults Found:
01596 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
30-10 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded! - Intermittent
01271 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded!
29-10 - Can't Decode, CODE File Not Loaded! - Intermittent

Pierwsze b³êdy z climatronika to jak widaæ odczyt z Ibizy ale mam nadzieje ¿e Fabkowym znawc± jest to obojêtne dla zdiagnozowania choroby

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